My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of loss for such a great leader and human being.
My name is David Fernandes and I joined TSAM on a global assignment in 2019 from America for almost two years. During this assignment, I joined several Toyota South Africa board meetings held in Joberg and as you know, the Doctor was the Chairman of the TSA board.
I especially remember my first visit to meet the Doctor as I was very nervous, especially to meet the chairman because I had heard so many great stories about him from my TSAM colleagues. When we arrived, I was introduced to the Doctor and very quickly my nervousness was gone because he was so approachable and engaging during our conversation. I was impressed because he took such an interest in my assignment and he wanted to know all about my experiences in South Africa. I was amazed at how interested the Doctor was in getting to know me. Because of this experience, I understand why so many people around the world were touched by his kindness and humble way. I am honored to have had the opportunity to get to know him and I will always try to emulate his approach when interacting with others.
I hope in some way you will finding comfort in these memories of such a great person.
kind regards, David